Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Swim Lesson Day 1

We had the first swim lesson today at The Chevy Chase country club, Glendale.

Nobody is at the pool yet.

J and A each had a 20 minutes lesson.
J went in first.
He was smiling. 
 However, he didn't like that he had to take the lesson alone :(
He was becoming less pleasant and tell the instructor " I want to go to mommy." 

 With the effort of the instructor, he accomplished 20 minutes lesson.

Next, A went in the water.
No hesitation or fear.  He just went to the instructor's arms.

It was good for the very first lesson.
They did good job!

I hoped them to practice what they learned today,  and we directly went to Loma Alta pool.
(But no practice........just had fun.)

Playground after swimming.

At the hair salon
My plan was to get both of them a hair cut.
 J is always very good at getting hair cut.

A absolutely refused getting his, so he has to wait for daddy to take him again.

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