Monday, August 8, 2011

Back to LA

It was the time to say bye -bye.
Daddy and Atlanta.

Our airplane was smaller this time.  We could finally get window seat.
J has been asking window seat when we flew to Japan and this time to Atlanta. 
"Yay!  I can see airplanes!"
They both slept (and I did, too).

When I looked down the window, there was a quite nice view down there.

We landed on time.  Grammie was waiting for us at the airport.
Thank you Grammie!

We can't forget about Pluto.
We went to pick him up the place he boarded.
As we got the parking lot, I found him in the small dogs play area.
J and I walked out the car, but Pluto did not notice us.  The other dogs noticed us, but he did not.
Did he pretend not to notice?
Whatever he thinks, his vacation is over, too. 
Excited to see Pluto
Thank you to many:  grammie, poppie, daddy, Jaime at Hound Hikers(petsitter), Staff of "I Dig My Dog", neighbors, a gentleman who switched the seat with us, people who were very nice to us everywhere we went.

Atlanta is beautiful and very fun place.  I will miss a lot of it even the hot humid weather.
I would like to visit again.

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