Monday, August 22, 2011

Play Play Play

AM: Dog Park

After Dog Park: Playground

 Noon: Loma Alta Park  
I wanted to try free lunch program.  (for children under 18 only)
(A was sleeping)

After lunch: Playground
  Pluto was very popular by small children.

J saw the pool at Loma Alta Park and insisted on going swimming.
We went back home and had quick lunch (A and mommy), got swim suits on and left to the pool.

After swimming, stopped at library for DVD/Video rental.

As soon as we came home, I was preparing dinner in the kitchen.
The boys were in the back yard.
.............................................So quiet.........................................

Of course!
They were in the garden watering everywhere and making mud patch.
A lost his shoes in the mud.  He was eating cherry tomatoes, obviously.
He was drenched because J water hosed him.

I yelled "Shower first!"

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