Thursday, July 14, 2011

Today's Everybody

School day.
We all needed A's help today.
J went to the snack table when only A was sitting with him.
On Tuesday, J waved his hand and walked into the calss.
I expected that again today.
Everyday has different story.

I sneaked out when he went to wash mouth after snack.
I thought I would never be ale to leave if I didn't do that.
Over the gate, I heard J's crying and teachers voice. 
He came to say bye bye to mommy but mommy has left before he said.
I was so sorry.  I could have waited and said bye bye.
I stepped up the stairs by the gate to show myself up and said bye bye to J.
I didn't know he was trying to get ready (to say bye bye).  He needs time.
I felt so bad.
Next time, I will know better. 

*   *   *   *   *
Evening, I was fixing dinner.
I saw Pluto running in the garden.
It is VERY bad sign.
Last time, he dig over, pulled out and threw around the carrots in the garden.
Evidence Photo ↓.

I went to see the garden and saw this.
Potatoes were destroyed.


Breaking News
A sat on the potty before he took a bath.
He always sits on it  because big boy J does "pee-pee toilet".
It has never happened before.   I did not expect.
Applause.  Cheers.

A Cat on Duty.  

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