Thursday, February 9, 2012


We lost our dog Pluto on February 6th, 2012.
He got out and run far down the street.
It was around 10:00 pm.
He crossed the big busy road and when he turned around to come back, he was hit by a high seeded car on the road.
His life was finished.
His body was still warm, but he wasn't moving anymore.

The next morning, the boys didn't notice his absence because Pluto was always sleeping under the cover.   It seemed like he was sleeping somewhere in the house.
I waited to tell them after school.

After I picked J up from school, we went to the dog park which we always came with Pluto.
I had Pluto's collar in my hand.

J was sad (A was sleeping) and wanted Pluto back.
He said he would like to  wait for him here so Pluto may come.

After we left the park, we went to pick up some printed pictures of Pluto.
I told J that we can see Pluto in the pictures everyday.
We talked about Pluto before bed.

The boys know that Pluto is no longer here.
J says Pluto is dead.
A says Pluto is not home.
But J says "why" sometimes.

We all miss Pluto.

The first day we met him. Aug. 2009

Always slept in a warm comfy place

Dog Park was such a fun place for J, too.  J was not two yet.

Wants to come in

Baby A's nice company in the back yard

Loved dog park

He was with us

Eaton Canyon Creek in June 2011
He came to playdate. Always good with children.

3 nights before he passed away. (Picture below.)
The boys are doing "mame maki" which is Japanese custom on February 3rd every year.  The boys are wearing Damon masks which J made in school.
(What is "mame maki"?  Look HERE.)
He wants the beans J has

Although Pluto was an occasional trouble maker, he was a sweet good dog.
Most of all, he was the best friend of J and A.
Thank you Pluto for being very patent with the rough play the boys had with you sometimes.
We miss you.

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