Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Brand Park, Glendale

After school, we packed lunch and drove to Brand Park, Glendale.
The reason this park was picked was it has a small wading pool.

Park Entrance

Here is the wading pool....but no water!

They love swings.
A was not so sure being pushed his swing by J

A friend of mine gave us a Styrofoam air plain.  Great!
However, it was thrown rough and pulled by two strong boys.......
It was pretty damaged by the end of the play.....Expected?  I didn't!
Well, I will glue the broken parts and see how it goes next time.

Wings aren't match........one is broken
J used the restroom in the park.
It flushes so fast and loud.  The boys got so scared.
Yes, public restrooms are scary for me, too.

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