Thursday, June 30, 2011

Small Sadness

The second week of the summer school was finished.
Yesterday, we had hard time dropping J off, but he enjoyed afterward.
I thought he was fine finally.

We had hard time again dropping him off this morning.
He sneaked out the gate when A and me tried to leave.
It was the most frustrating morning for me.
But again, he enjoyed school afterward.
The teacher said his sadness was small.
Is this the way he is getting used to a new place?  It must be.

Showing his paint work.
A likes this straw hat.  It is pretty damaged though.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dalton Park, Azusa

We are seeking for water play!
We were at Dalton Park, Azusa today after school.
This park has a splash pad.  It is a pretty big water play area.
First, we had lunch.
J and A played in the climbing structures for a while.  Anybody? Water play?
Suddenly, A walked to the splash pad and observed.
Then they started.

 We will come back here for sure.

They watched DVD before bed.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Brand Park, Glendale

After school, we packed lunch and drove to Brand Park, Glendale.
The reason this park was picked was it has a small wading pool.

Park Entrance

Here is the wading pool....but no water!

They love swings.
A was not so sure being pushed his swing by J

A friend of mine gave us a Styrofoam air plain.  Great!
However, it was thrown rough and pulled by two strong boys.......
It was pretty damaged by the end of the play.....Expected?  I didn't!
Well, I will glue the broken parts and see how it goes next time.

Wings aren't is broken
J used the restroom in the park.
It flushes so fast and loud.  The boys got so scared.
Yes, public restrooms are scary for me, too.

Monday, June 27, 2011

School Tomorrow

J has school tomorrow.  It is the second week of the Summer School.
Last Thursday, I wasn't with him first time in the new school.
I got a call from office and was told he was very sad.
I had to pick him up before the program finished.

Before he went nite-nite tonight, I talked to him about the school.
All the fun things, play, songs, finger play and reading.
He can have fun there without mommy because he is a big boy.

I wanted to know how he was feeling about the school.
He understands me very well.  He remembers the story times and the songs he loved.

I think he will be fine tomorrow.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


J had an allergic reaction this morning right after he climbed a tree in the next door neighbor's yard.
He started scratching and said itchy.

His legs and arm had some hives.

I gave him Benadryl and it dissapiered soon after.
The trees are not new to him because it is almost his daily routine to climb the trees and he never showed any allergic reactions.

Something right there, however, is allergen for him.  I cannot tell what.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

First Day

Summer school has started.
J was excited to go to the school we have been looking outside of the gate.

The first day is not so much fun for shy people like J and I, but we enjoyed as much as we could.
It will be more fun tomorrow and the next day.

Monday, June 20, 2011

On Our Walk

We had a nice long doggie walk this afternoon.
J was on his new bike. 
The arrival of J's bike made our doggie walk so much nicer.
We still have to stop for climbing trees and picking leaves, but it goes pretty smooth overall.

A is in his preparation phase of potty training.
He sat on the potty twice today.  Nothing happened, but its ok.