Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Go North

We are back to the main island of Okinawa.  We get a rental car and go north.

Stopped at Futenmagu Shrine.  There is a hidden cave behind the structure.  Anybody can visit, but you have to follow its instructions.   Photographs and videos are prohibited in the cave.

Keep going to north.  Shiokawa river
Salt water river.  It is slightly salty.   

We are staying a traditional Okinawan house Inn.
It is located in the quiet village.

the house id behind them


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Tokashiki Island to Naha

We are leaving Tokashiki Island today.  

Beautiful Aharen Beach
We took a walk to the other side of the beach.
The boys love to climb on ricks


Zenzai is Okinawa special.  It is shaved ice with sweet red beans and mochi

Good bye Tokashiki Island

Rainbow appears in each splash

Monday, July 16, 2018

Tokashiku Beach 渡嘉志久ビーチ

Tokashiku Beach is also known for sea turtles.  To get Tokashiku beach, we have to rent a car or take a taxi.  There are only two taxi cabs in whole island!

Because of the poor transportation choices, Tokashiku beach is less crowded than Aharen beach.

Found a WWII memorial, Suicide Attack boat Cave

Squall showers 

The sea turtle is followed by aggressive amature photographers.... 

Back to Aharen, and fire works and sunset..

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Tokashiki Island 

Took a boat on 8:30am to Tokashiki Island

We stay two nights in Aharen.  A few minutes walk to Aharen beach.
This turquoise blue is called KeramaBlue


Submarine took us the turtle habitat

