Saturday, June 29, 2013

Camping at Carpenteria SB

This was the second camping trip this summer.
The annual mommy and kids camp with a friend family.
The reservation was made at Point Mugu SP, but we changed the location to Carpenteria SB because of the damages in the Point Mugu site after the big fire in the spring.

It was a little over an hour drive.
Our site was very small and on a slope : (
but the beach is so close. This beach is very nice.
The Channel Island was seen across the ocean.

Play all day at beach
Seaweed Surfing




Day 3
Going home.
Cleaning and packing were interrupted very frequently because of the boys fight, argument or crying.

Tide pool in the morning.
beautiful seaweed

Starfish and mussels

Play all day at the beach.  Eat, shower and left Carpenteria around 9pm.

Very very nice beach here at Carpenteria.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Yankees vs Angeles

I wanted to see Ichiro's play at least once in my life. 
There was a game in Anaheim.  It must have been seen although it was father's day.

 "Kids run the base" after the game.

Yankees won this game.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


J had a graduation ceremony on the 15th of June, 2013.
He graduated preschool.  Yeh!

Well-behaved little guy during the ceremony.....
 Graduation Party

He did very well in the class.

J will be in kindergarten this fall.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The first camping of the year Part II

More beach and sea creatures on the last day.

It is a great beach we definitely would like to come back.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The first camping of the year PA baby art I

The boys and I was camping at Leo Carrillo SB from May 31st to June 2nd.
It was a group camp which was coordinated by the boys' school.
Starfish were easy to find

A baby octopus

 Two nights camping is much nicer.  We stayed at the beach all day and went back to the campsite for dinner and marshmallows.