Saturday, December 29, 2012

J and A's Christmas

 Walk to Balian House on Christmas Eve

 Christmas Morning


Friday, December 21, 2012


We started raising 7 baby chicks two months ago.
One day, one disappeared.
A week ago, three were killed by a raccoon.
Two days ago, one was eaten by a cooper hawk.
Now, we have only two chicks left.
All the predators in the neighborhood is sneaking to eat our baby chickens.

Ever since the attack last Wednesday night, we set a trap to catch the raccoon.
Finally, the 8th day, we caught it!

He was taken to the deep forest.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Descanso Gardens

It was a cold winter day.
We went to see fall colors at Descanso Gardens before they are gone.
One more reason to go here on weekends is TRAIN!

All aboard.
 After the ride.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Santa Train 2012

Santa Train at Travel Town

Counting Down

Mommy made an advent calender.

These socks are made out of the boys cloths they grew out of.
 Each day, they will find something fun in the sock.
Tatoos!  on Dec.1

J cried for a Christmas tree soon after he saw the fresh trees appeared on the places.
We are convinced to get a tree on the 1st of December this year.
 A Christmas tree is coming to our house!