Sunday, July 31, 2011

Meeting With Dinosaur

We went to Fernbank Museum of Natural History.
 In the museum hall, there are huge dinosaur cast replicas.

Its third floor, there is "Fernbank NatureQuest", which is a place for children to explore and play.
Baby alligator

Looks like real creek
 The exhibition called "Walk Through Time In Georgia." (The second floor)

Dinosaur eggs are hatching

After we left the museum, we went to Piedmont Park.
There are two playgrounds.  One behind the boys in the photo below is Mayor's Grove Playground, which is more like regular playground.

Another playground is Noguchi Playscape, which looks like art sculpture.
 It looks cool and unique.  I liked it except the mosquito attacks within two minutes after I walked into this area.

It is beautiful park, but we could not stay too long because of the heat!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Farmer's Market and Pool

We went to a little farmer's market. 

After the farmer's market, we had a quick lunch and went to the pool that is a part of the apartment facilities.

All of the sudden, we felt rain drops and it became heavy rain falls instantly.

Grocery shopping.  

Driving to a restaurant for dinner.

 Sushi Dinner.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Jaguar and Alligator in Atlanta

We flew to Atlanta.
Grammie took us to LAX and spend time with us.
We could finally get seated together.  There were some small children in the airplane.
J was reading, watching TV or enjoying snack. 
A is quiet only when he was eating.
Meanwhile each of the small children in the airplane had a turn for screaming and crying out, but it was not A's turn yet.

After about two hours of eating or fussing, he had his turn and out.
He was sleeping until the plane landed.
Ears hurt

We finally saw daddy.

Mexican food for dinner
A balloon lady came to the table and made dog and elephant for the boys.

Daddy had some toys for the boys.
Everyone is so happy.
It was worth flying 4 and half hours.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day Care

Pluto went to Day care/Boarding.
He got a collar and name tag.
He looks cool.
 The stuff is going to take him in.

 Looks fun place for dog (and children.)
His new friend wants to sniff
 Pluto was probably anxious.  He came to the fence where he could see us and our car.
It was like leaving J in the school.  A  heart breaking moment.

Now I need to drop J off.

Dropping J off was not so bad today.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Play Day

It was another play day with grandparents.
Soooooooooooo excited!
Grandparents are here!!!
After the play and cleaning front yard with grammie and poppie,
we had a dinner at Domenico's Italian restaurant.
The restaurant was very busy but food was excellent!!
He got a drink for just himself for the first time

waiting for food

Monday, July 25, 2011

Smith Park, San Gabriel

We had a play date with J's school friend at Smith Park, San Gabriel.
There is a wading pool.

We went to have our dog vaccinated after we came back home.
Everything was good and he got a shot.
However, Dr. said he needs to loose some weight.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Uncle's Birthday Party

We went to Uncle S's birthday party.

Played with grammie.
Blew bubbles.
Enjoyed cup cakes.

When we were home.......