Tuesday, December 27, 2011

4 year check up

The paper robe made J nervous.
He got two vaccinations which made him cry.....

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Santa was here!

Christmas morning

At grandparents house for dinner.  Of course, more presents!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Travel Town in Christmas

It is the time of the year to go travel town to get train ride and see Santa Clause.
We joined in our friends family.

The train goes in the illuminations.

Santa Clause's house is located in the museum this year.  It had always been outside until the last year.

Picture with Santa.

Santa asks what J wants for Christmas.

A doesn't really want to talk to Santa.

We left Travel Town and rush to LAX to pick daddy up.  The boys were out in the back seats.
OMG!  Traffic was crazy near airport.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Balian House

It is our annual event to walk to the Balian House with dog(s).
I thought it was a little too much to take two young children and dog all alone, so we drove up near the Balian House, and walked around the corner.

When J was one year old (2008).

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Santa Clause is comming to school

 We had a Christmas event at J's Japanese school today.
There were songs and ensembles by the children on the stage.
J was confident and did great job on the stage.  His instrument was a castanet.

Santa Clause appears.

Receiving a present from Santa.

It was too boring for the little guy.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Big heavy rain came all of the sudden when we were having late lunch.
We heard big thunders, but since we were inside of a restaurant, it wasn't too scary for us.
People said those were one of the biggest though.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Rainny Day

It was raining all day.

We had dinner at Islands.  We participated J's school's fundraising night.

Calories were indicated in the menu.  I feel so guilty after the meal.......

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Santa and Christmas Tree

It was our neighbor's Food and Toy Drive this morning.
We saw sheriff  cars and Santa Clause from our house.
The boys were excited.

When we got too close to Mr. Santa Clause, A dropped tears and "NO!"

Enjoying donuts

Brand new bikes were donated

We got our Christmas tree from our YMCA.

The tree is light  up.
Let's hope the tree will stay in its shape until the Christmas day.......

Friday, December 9, 2011


After the wind storm last week.....
Our house


The wind was like this.

While we lost power, we went to Peet's Coffee to charge cell phone, ipad and get internet connection.
J enjoyed his first hot coco.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Fire Station

A and I had a field trip to Sierra Madre Fire Station.
(We are taking a parent education class offered by Pasadena City College on Mondays)

The children got a hat and a sticker.

Alarm went off.  They had to go.

Walking around the station.

Engine is back.

He did not want to go in the fire engine.

Big shinny wheels.